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Nigerian, Col Amanda Azubuike Becomes Highest-Ranking Female In US Military

  • January 8, 2022
  • 2 min read
Nigerian, Col Amanda Azubuike Becomes Highest-Ranking Female In US Military

Col Amanda, currently the Chief, Public Affairs and Spokesman for the U.S. Southern Command is rewarded for her exceptional traits of brilliance and strength in the discharge of her duties.

She has served as a Public affairs professional with more than 15 years of experience leading strategic communications planning and execution, media relations, crisis communication, internal and external stakeholder relations, and international affairs.

Currently, the Communications Director and principal public affairs advisor for an organization that oversees military operations in twenty-eight countries throughout Central America, South America and the Caribbean, PushNews writes.

She Supports the Commander’s communications objectives and public outreach efforts through traditional and social media as she prepares and conducts media engagements, communications strategy for the command’s current and future operations. Responsible for planning, developing, monitoring and executing public affairs outreach and communication programs to build and maintain public trust and support for U.S. Southern Command.

With Amanda’s exalted position she is also responsible for collaborating and synchronizing with communicators at all levels of DoD, the interagency and U.S. embassies in the region. Provide guidance to subordinate commands and maintain oversight of public affairs manning, training and logistics.

Africa Light TV says thumbs up to her on her elevation as a senior officer.

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